Sunday, May 30, 2010

10 Months- Our Perfect Ten

I don't even know where to start. Madelyn is growing up so fast and so much happened this past month. The one thing I do know is that we are very blessed. Madelyn is the happiest baby. I am not even sure what I would do without her some days. Her smile just makes life that much better. And we thank God for that all the time. Here is what she has been up to this past month:

- She started eating finger foods like turkey, cheese, crackers, pasta, pears, bananas, potatoes and peaches.
- We have started transitioning to formula bottles during the day. She doesn't mind this transition at all. I am so lucky!! I can't wait until whole milk though. Formula is pricey...
- She has definitely begun to crawl. However, she does not like to do it. She would much rather scream at us until we pick her up to go walking. She only moves forward crawling if there is a toy or food out of her reach. Once she has achieved her goal. She sits.
- My favorite thing she does is baby yoga. She does plank and down dog all the time. For those of you who do not do yoga, plank is the position you are in when you do a push up and down dog would be on all fours with your butt in the air. So funny when she does those. The girl is strong!
- She went to day care at the gym for the first time. When I went to pick her up the lady said that no matter who was in front of her she just talked to them the whole time. Not sure where she gets that from...
- She is wearing 12-18 month clothing. Yep. Big girl!! Although Josh and I think she is thinning out because her legs rolls are as pronounced any more. See above.
- She is clearly saying "mama" and "dada". She has been doing this for awhile, but now she says them and means us. So now we count it.
- She also says:
"beh" = Belle, our cat. And any other cat she sees.
"nana"= num, num. She does this when she is hungry.
"whah"= what. She does this when the phone rings or she hears a text message.
"dah"= what's that? She does this when she is playing because I always ask her what's that? Or what's this?
- She only really signs "more" when she is eating. Brother... We are working on "please" and "all done".
- The most important thing that happened this past month, she was dedicated to Christ on Mother's Day. A very emotional weekend for Josh and I. All we ever wanted was to be parents. Now we just pray she follows God and his plan for her life.

This video was shot after she pulled herself up for the first time. As you can hear, grandpa was quite excited about it. Although we didn't capture the moment on video, it is fun to see her try.

This video was taken when she went swimming on Mother's Day. We plan on doing this a lot this summer.

We took this video when we were at Brian and Joanna's house. She loves their dogs, Jake and Baxter. She loves playing catch the most!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

We had quite a big weekend. Josh's parents flew in last week, he had his annual band banquet on Saturday, then we had Madelyn dedicated on Mother's Day. I have tons of pictures to post, but I also have a lot work to catch up on. So here's to my moms. I love you all!!

Cheri, Jenni and Madelyn Thye.
My mom, Tammie and my grandma, Darlene. 4 generations!
Grandma Sue holding Miss M before she went for her first swim. More an that later...

Thank you for making me into the woman and mom I am today. I love you all so much. I am glad that I have you in my life!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Twice as old!

Yep. This was as good as it got. See slide show below.

So Madelyn is official as old as she was out of the womb, as she was in the womb. I say it all the time, but I really can't believe it. She is the biggest blessing we have ever known. I just wish she always did what I said, like smile pretty for the camera!! No luck...

April was a fun month! This week Grandma and Grandpa Thye come into town for Mother's Day and Madelyn's baby blessing. More on that to come. I can't wait for them to see how much she has grown. She is still not crawling, but she is so close. Maybe she will finally do it while they are here. Although I am not sure I REALLY want that.

Love you Mad!!