Saturday, February 7, 2009

Our Friday

Finally I got to go to the doctor yesterday.  After having to reschedule three times, I got in t 9:15 in the morning.  For someone who is sick every morning that was not an ideal time, but I got through okay.  There were good and bad things about this appointment.  The first thing they do when you arrive is give a urine sample.  Now I am not huge yet, but I got to thinking that I can only imagine that this process is going to get more difficult as mobility and sight start to lessen.  It made me giggle, until I had to get on the scale.  Now that is nothing to giggle at!  It is right there in your face.  You are a loser and have gained way more weight than you should have in the past month.  They say the general rule of thumb is to gain a pound a week.  If I do my math correctly that is 40 pounds, for the 40 weeks.  But I think they cut out the first trimester all together as you are not supposed to gain any weight at that time.  So they drop it down to 35 pounds total.  Yeah right!  So I was feeling pretty down on myself until the doctor came in.  Then it got worse...  He said that he thought I was sick everyday.  I told him that there have only been four days that I have not been sick this entire pregnancy.  But that when I get sick, about half the time the stomach is empty.  I think my baby is scarfing food like there is not tomorrow!  (Not even kidding he just kicked me right now. :o)  Anyway, I think my doctor thinks I am a liar.  But I know the truth.  Truth is I am not eating well.  I can only keep down things that are bad for me: chips, pasta, bread, bagels (like two at a time), cookies, ice cream, shall I go on?  What I can't eat are things like salad, any vegetable, fruit (except for strawberries), yogurt, meat, pretty much anything they tell you to in the books.  Oh the books...  The doctor said that was okay for now and that some woman do not get relief from sickness until week sixteen.  Well check your chart buddy because if I am not feeling better here real fast I think I might scream/go into a deep depression/kill someone!  The good news is the baby is doing really well.  The uterus measured exactly what is should.  And the heart beat was steady at 149.  Which, according to Kim, is further proof I am having a boy.  On that note, the most disappointing thing about the doctors visit was the scheduling of my 20 week (which I am totally going to try and do at 18) ultrasound.  They said they were not scheduling that far in advance, which was four weeks from now.  I thought that was weird, so I think they had a computer problem, or their office manager was gone, or something.  Anyway, they said they would call me to schedule an appointment.  So no news on that front.  But, hello!  Someone better call me soon.  Don't they know this is my first baby and this girl is getting anxious!!
After the appointment with Dr. Seymann I met up with my friend Kim for lunch and baby shopping.  We had a blast checking out a couple different stores.  We started at Walmart, then went to Rocker World, then off to Babies R Us.    I got to laughing when we were in Babies R Us because we had done more sitting in glider chairs than actual shopping al day.  Nevertheless we did find some pretty cool stuff, and got some sound advice from this nice new mom feeding her son in the glider section (yep, our favorite section.)  I think we have both decided that we are going to register at Babies R Us.  That store is crazy big and has so many choices.  I hated it as a consumer shopping for others, but it is so practical for me now that I want all the cool things!

While we were at Babies R Us, I spotted a couple of things that I thought daddy should buy baby and me.  It said in one of my books for the dad to buy surprise gifts for mom and baby when they aren't expecting it.  I have read this to my poor husband a couple of times, to which I have gotten nothing.  So I decided to use his bank account to buy a couple of things and let him give it to me.  That might be better than hinting.  Plus, I do not want to buy the baby anything until I know the sex.  So I got a body pillow and baby got a couple of onesies.  How cute are these?

Note: I am a sucker for anything on the butt of an outfit.  

And like we need to tell you our baby is going to be cute!

After hanging  out with Kim I went for a pedicure (which I haven't gotten since Nov, yikes!) and manicure.  It is amazing how unattractive you can feel until you have pretty pink nails. :o)  Then a quiet night with Josh.  (Which, by the way, he really liked what he got us.)  We ate pasta and caught up on our LOST episodes.  All in all, a good day!


Mrs Bic said...

Don't you worry about the weight. My doctor said that when you are feeling sick...that's sometimes when you really eat b/c you think it'll make your stomach better. And, you are not weird or different b/c you want the bad stuff. That's very common for the first tri-mester, especially...when meat and fish and lettuce sound like the worst things a human can eat. Don't worry! You are totally normal. So excited about your baby shopping. It's fun, huh??

Mattie said...

You know, I had problems with weight gain too. Apparently my doctor said that I gained 10 pounds in the first 14 weeks, but at my 18 week appointment it was only 6. As for not being able to schedule your next appointment 4 weeks ahead of time...that's weird. I think most doctor's offices can do that! I hope your next visit turns out better!

The Richardson's said...

I ate nothing but carbs for 4 straight months. Everything turned out great. Sucks about your appointment- especially when you are dying to know if it's a boy or a girl. (I still vote girl).

Shopping for cute things always makes you feel better. And I still hate Babies r us, but the recliner section is pretty much kick butt!