Okay. SInce I am only 23 weeks nothing of great change has happened in my preggo life. My belly still looks the same as it did at 20 weeks, I am still having all the symptoms I have had since day 1, and i am waiting for the day that Josh can say with certainty that he can feel out daughter moving around. Plus, Josh and I are having daily debates on whether we should take back out video camera or not so I can blog things more easily. So really just boring old stuff. But what isn't boring is that my new niece, Ella had a very big day yesterday.
My friend Gretchen, who is a very talented photographer, had offered to take pictures of Regan and Ella. Since the ones that were taken in the hospital didn't turn out as good as Regan had hoped, she took Gretchen up on her offer and they turned out so cute!
I think this one might be my favorite.
You can see all the pictures at the slide show here.
After we took pictures, Regan and Ella came over to my house to watch American Idol and eat some dinner. It was very funny to see what the cats would do. I think they were much more interested in playing with Ella's stuff than they were with Ella. In fact, once they smelled her, they just kind of left her alone. And when she cried they just ran into to other room. I told my sister that I am glad I have a practice baby. Now I know what to expect!
first, there is not a boring day in the life of a prego. Anything you want to rant about is fine by us- even if we have heard it before.
second- so cute pictures! Looks like they had fun at their first mommy daughter photo shoot.
third, my cats did the same thing. they still would rather play with Matthew's toys than him. They run away too when he cries, or just get this super pissed look on their face.
p.s.- i bought your baby shower present today! yeah! it was fun city to actually look and buy girl things for once. My luck is that i will have all boys and never get to buy girly, ruffley things! haha
Your sister and baby Ella look fabulous!!
Your niece is so cute and precious...aren't you just so excited to have a little one soon? And your sister looks really great too!
You are definitely lucky to be able to get the practice with your niece before your little girl arrives! It kind of gets you ready or at least gives you an idea of what you can expect!
To Sarah- Yay for presents!!!! I never tire of looking at cute little girl clothes. However, I was at Babies R Us today and they have some cute little sweater vests that made my heart sink. Adorbale!!
To Mattie- I just hope I lose weight as fast as she is.
To Ashley- Yes. Practice babies are good to have. In fact, we were reading on going into labor and I kid you not, it said to borrow someones baby to have them suck on your nipples. It puts you into labor. Although I find that really gross, it is nice to know I have the option. Kidding...
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