Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Six Months

So here are some recent belly pics.  I said in an earlier post that I didn't think my belly was getting larger, but every time I see someone they comment on how much bigger I look.  You decide. I am certainly wider...


Mairi said...

I squealed with delight! You are so big and cute!

The Vehons said...

One more day 'til you have double diget days left! :) You are definately getting bigger in the belly! Yeah for growing baby. :)

Anonymous said...

You look so beautiful Jenni, and certainly not fat! I love your hair BTW, it looks lovely long.

Hillary Thye said...

You look beautiful (as always) and pregnant (just as God intended) - now stop worrying about it! Love you. :)

The Richardson's said...

you are doing a great job of baking that little bun. you look great!

Josh and Jenni said...

Thanks gals! I always feel good about myself when Josh calls me his cute little pregnant wife. :)

Mattie said...

Oh, Jenni, you look wonderfully pregnant! (I wish my belly were that small when I was six months.) Just think...she'll be there in three more months!!

Anonymous said...

I have never told you this, but I think it every time I see your belly pics...I love your drapes. And I love you too of course! :0)

Anne LoGrasso said...

So cute! You look great.

Josh and Jenni said...

To my Jeanie... got the drapes online. They are chocolate colored pin tuck style. They were super cheap on Love you too!