Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New Birth Plan

Today I had another appointment with Dr. Seymann and we had to talk about our "options" since little Miss Madelyn is still breech.  After going over every detail with the doctor and speaking to Josh on the phone (since he was setting up for the rehearsals that take place over the next three days before he leaves on Sunday for the 16-day Europe trip) I have decided to write a new birth plan.

Our Birth Plan:
1.  Screw birth plans!  
2. Have healthy baby by whatever means necessary.  
3. Preferably when husband is actually in town...  
4. Try not to piss me off when I am in the hospital.
The End!  


Ashley Majorek said...

I love your new birth plan!! Everything will turn out great! Not too much longer and she'll be matter which way she comes out! YEAH! :o)

Jen said...

Best birth plan I have ever seen!!! :o) God has his plans and he knows how to get precious Madelyn into this world safe and sound.

Mairi said...

You have all the knowledge and preparation you need to have this baby no matter how she decides to make her entrance. Not to mention the mobs of people waiting to help out at the slightest peep from you. Planning for a birth is kind of like planning for a wedding in the middle of hurricane season. You never know whether it'll rain or shine. Focus on the marriage (or parenthood in this case) and you'll be a happy bride (mother). I think I took that metaphor too far!

Joanna said...

Love it! We'll be praying for all 3 of you! :)

The Richardson's said...

best flipping birth plan ever. hands down. anyone who tells you otherwise can come speak to me...

on a side note...mark is gone most of the next 3 weeks, so hang with me lots. we'll be the husband-less club!

Mrs Bic said...

I LOVE IT!! It's good...very good!

Josh and Jenni said...

Thanks gals!! I am feeling much better right now. Still sticking to the birth plan though. :o) Maybe I will be less temperamental from here on out...

And Mairi, I love the metaphor. It is impossible to throw a wedding during a hurricane. You can only help what you can help, right?

The Vehons said...

Sounds like an awesome plan to me! :) Madelyn will probably have her own plan anyway!