Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Our current status:

I went to the doctor yesterday and was very disappointed to hear that I have not started dilating at all.  I know my due date isn't until the 25th, but I was just bummed to not be making any progress at all.  I am still effaced about 50% he says.  I thought it was more last time I was in, but I might have misheard him.  All that to say, no baby yet.

On a positive note, I have been walking the malls like a crazy woman and should be in tip top shape to actually delivery her when she decides to come.  I pretty much walk Chandler Mall every morning and Fiesta Mall every night.  I think my fav is Fiesta since it is ghetto and very few people go there anymore.  Therefore, no one stares at me walking up and down the stairs a million times.  It does smell funky some days though...  I do look forward to the buns and thighs of steel I will have once the swelling goes down. :o)

Also, Josh and I went to lunch yesterday with Mark and Sarah at PF Chang's.  Surprisingly, out of 8 different numbers, Josh and I both had a 23 in our fortune.  So maybe you will be reading a much different blog entry on Thursday.  Who knows??  The chinese also said I was having a boy and if that happens at this point, he better like pink!


EB said...

Okay so you totally don't know me, but I've been reading your blog since you first found out you were pregnant- I linked to it from Anne LoGrasso's blog. Becoming a mom was such a sweet and special and miraculous time for me that it's been fun to watch you enjoy each step of the way (well some steps probably more than others). And I just wanted you to know that I know exactly how you feel about going to the doctor and having no change. It happened to me with both of my girls. I never really made any progress at all until the day they were born- there was no leadup dilation like a lot of my friends; labor just came from nowhere for me and it was pretty fast when it came. So be encouraged; just because you're not 3cm dilated already doesn't mean she won't come today even! Both my girls were born at 39 weeks and 4 days. Maybe today's your day. :) And I hope you don't think I'm a freak for commenting on the blog of someone I've never met! Hang in there!

Dawn Jurgensmeier said...

I'm so excited for you- your due date is SO CLOSE! Your life is about to get pretty amazing... :-)

Mrs Bic said...

I agree with EB's comment! By the way...I've heard that the effacement is really more important than the dilation. You are totally on your way and there are MANY women who don't dilate at all before labor begins. She's coming!! She's coming!!! I would say, "enjoy the time before she comes and you have to work much harder to fullfill all her needs," but I know that those words sound completely ridiculous to a mommy who can't even stand how much she wants to hold her new baby in her arms!!! Soon...VERY soon!!!

The Richardson's said...

omg i love fiesta mall too!!! I love it because of the ghetto-ness and because there is a parking garage to keep my car cool in the lovely AZ heat.

It will be so fun next summer when we can walk our kids around there together!!

Madelyn will be here soon...just try to enjoy your last quiet moments. I know that is such crap when you just want your baby out, but I would love a day to myself now...I guess you always want what you don't have.

anyways...love ya and hope she comes out soon!!! I am voting for fortune cookie magic...come on 23!

Mattie said...

It was fun running into you and Josh yesterday! You're already farther along than I ever was (until the doctor had to give me some assistance). Enjoy these last few days with Josh. Do lots of "spontaneous" stuff with each other. She'll be here when you least expect it!!

Josh and Jenni said...

Thanks everyone for such encouraging words! I am pulling for a fast delivery like EB said. If that what stayting at zero all this time means, I am all for it! By the way, my moms b-day is August 23 so she wants Madelyn to come tomorrow too. :o)

Julia Z. said...

I've heard the effacement is the hardest part too, like Mrs Bic said. Just relax and keep up the walking! I'm keeping my phone handy and waiting for that call!