Saturday, January 30, 2010

Playing with Maisey

Last week we got to play a little bit with our BFF Maisey. Let me give you a commentary on how I think this whole thing went down:

"Hey Maisey, look over here! Just ignore her. She does tries to take my picture all the time. Hello? I want to play!"
"Hi! So, how ya doing? This tummy time stuff really is getting old. You should learn to crawl forward, instead of just backwards, and I will learn to crawl too. Then we can be real terrors for our mamas! By the way, I like your blanket."
"Um, we were having a conversation (notice the eye brows). Enough with the clicky click and flashy fash. Can't you just let us play already?"


The Richardson's said...

I love it when babies play with each other. They look so funny and cute all at once.

The Vehons said...

Man, those are some cute girls! Their daddies are going to have quite a challenge ahead of them!

Anne LoGrasso said...

SO CUTE!!! Love the bow. Welcome to the world of playdates and half finished conversations.