Thursday, February 11, 2010

Some videos from the past few weeks...

Here are some cute Mad moments!! Love this girl!

Here she is laughing. I tried to get close up so you can see her two teeth that came in. Bottom front teeth of course. These puppies are definitely in. DO NOT put your finger in her mouth or she WILL getcha!

I was putting her clothes away and had her sitting and playing with a toy G-ma and G-pa Thye bought her.

Eventually she decided sitting was too much work.

My little workaholic. Just like Mommy and Daddy.

After a hard days work...


Erin said...

he he he that was so funny.

Mattie said...

#1. Playing with feet must be so much fun.

#2. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her hair!

Ashley Majorek said...

Oh my gosh, her hair cracks me up!! It's awesome!!

Lincoln has that laptop too and just loves it!! Under 1 and already has a laptop, starting so early :o) Gotta love it!

Sweet videos!!

The Richardson's said...

super, super precious!

hope she does not start biting during worse pain...I swear

Josh and Jenni said...

She has started biting. Little stinker. I was feeding while on the phone the other night and I about passed out (while screaming).

Her hair is awesome. Cracks me up all the time.

In addition to the lap top she also got a cell phone from Mimi.

Thanks for watching ladies!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness she just keeps getting cuter and cuter!

~Whitney S

Jakester Thigh (Pronounced "Tee") said...

Love the 3rd video...SO FUNNY!!

Tiffany said...

She looks so much like Josh! I love it!