(Yes, this picture is a little fuzzy. Sorry. Our camera is on the fritz. The flash no longer works and it is dying more and more each day.)
This little girl is so cute and brings us so much joy that I wish I blogged more often. As you can see I am even behind on this entry. Life is just crazy and Josh and I are so busy lately. One of these days I will be better about this... Anyway, Miss M is 8 months old and we just enjoy her more and more every day! I feel like the past week has been huge in her development too.
At eight months she is:
- 20 pounds
- 28 inches
- saying "dada" and "mama" on a regular basis (and I think this past week we have started to see that she knows who we are.)
- clapping and saying "yay!"
- throwing her hands above her head when I say "so big"
- rolling onto her stomach and pushes herself backwards (no crawling yet)
- eating meat (just turkey so far, and doesn't really like it)
- eating fruits and vegetables blended in the blender (loves pears and squash!)
- shaking her head when you ask her a question (apparently mom does this when I ask her something. I say "yes, yes" and shake my head up and down)
- waving bye, bye (which is also hi and sign language for more- she does all three)
- learning baby signs (can copy mommy but is not knowing what they are yet...)
- standing on her own if she is holding on to the furniture
- loving when her daddy gets home, and is as adorable as ever!
Here are some pictures from the last month:
M just loves dogs! Every babysitter she goes to has dogs. She was just cracking Paulette up when they played catch with Marley. So I had to get it on video. This is the toned down version of her squeals...
Here she is playing with Papa at Ella's birthday party.
And here she is playing with her toys. She just cracks herself up sometimes. I love it... You can also see how dad is trying to get her to be a brass player. I call is spitting. Josh calls is buzzing. We'll see who wins that argument when she has food in her mouth.
We love you M!!!
i love the pics!
where did you get the cute signs for her months?!?! like you guys, some of my fam lives pretty far away, so I will wanna update them on his growth!
i love reading it. she is a HAM for that camera! she needs to be a gerber baby or something!
SO SO CUTE!!! Love the cheeks!
She looks so much like you! She's so adorable!
TOO CUTE, Miss M!!
Thanks everyone! Sam, I got the signs from a friend of mine who lives in MN. She said she has never seen them anywhere else. However, I have seen people make them or use blocks with numbers on them. Very creative! The brand of the signs is totshots, but the website didn't pull up...
My goodness, she is so cute! Therese is doing all the same stuff, clapping and saying "yay," arms over head when I say "so big," turning circles on her belly, and laughing the the dogs-she cracks up every time she looks at them! I've been meaning to blog about all this, just haven't gotten around to it. This sure is a fun age! You both look so beautiful!
She is getting so big...it seems like yesterday you were prego...
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