Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

We had quite a big weekend. Josh's parents flew in last week, he had his annual band banquet on Saturday, then we had Madelyn dedicated on Mother's Day. I have tons of pictures to post, but I also have a lot work to catch up on. So here's to my moms. I love you all!!

Cheri, Jenni and Madelyn Thye.
My mom, Tammie and my grandma, Darlene. 4 generations!
Grandma Sue holding Miss M before she went for her first swim. More an that later...

Thank you for making me into the woman and mom I am today. I love you all so much. I am glad that I have you in my life!


Jakester Thigh (Pronounced "Tee") said...

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st Mother's Day Jenni! You are an amazing mom and little M is so gorgeous! I just love her.

The Richardson's said...

Those are great pictures! Definitely great memories for you and your family.

Can't wait to hear more about your special weekend!

Ashley Majorek said...

How special was it that she was dedicated on Mother's Day! Looks like you had a great 1st Mother's Day!