Saturday, June 4, 2011

Madelyn's First Gymnastics Class

Yesterday we took M to gymnastics for the first time. We figured she needed something fun to do when it was hot outside, plus the girl could use some coordination! She loved the class! Miss K is so good with the kids and the little routines they do were really fun. M loved it so much that she threw a huge fit when we left. That has never happened. We can usually say, "Say good bye to the zoo." Or, "Say good bye to the park." And no fit ensues. She simply says, "Bye, bye." And is off to the car for her snack. Not true with gymnastics. The girl was into it! I am very happy that she likes it. It will be a great summer activity!


Ashley Majorek said...

Looks like she had a blast!! What a great idea to do over the summer :o) She is just so cute!

The Richardson's said...

So glad she is in our class!!! She did so well with each station.

Anonymous said...

Therese would love to too! I should look into finding a place like this by our house. Looks like you all had a lot of fun!