Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My new favorite thing...

Sympathy!  After the last couple of blog entries, I have gotten a lot of phone calls, emails and comments on my well being.  It is nice to know that people care.  I am actually not doing that bad.  I am a little bit of a drama queen right now to be honest (which I am sure you all are shaking your heads like, she is just realizing this).  I was telling my sister in law this morning that I am trying to stay positive but it is hard when there are no signs, besides bad ones, that we are having a baby.  I look the same, no fun belly.  I can't pee on any more sticks, because that fun has worn off.  And I have to wait until next week for the ultrasound.  I keep telling myself that I will be better once I have a picture.  Maybe I am just a baby.  But it is sweet that every night when Josh has to give me my progesterone shots (since my estrogen is high as a result of the fibroids) he is very encouraging and loving.  He tells me how strong I am, as he pokes a two inch needle in an already bruised back, and always kisses my forehead while I am cringing (or crying) from the pain.  I have to figure that after all this lead up, having the baby will be a cinch, right? :o)  Anyway, all this to say thank you for being in our life and helping us through this time.  It is a very exciting time, something I am reminded of everyday I feel my uterus grow!  Now, if I can just get a picture...       

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