Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy 2009!

As I look back on 2008 I am in awe. God is so good! I just can't wait for the next years adventures to begin. I pray that your night is fun, and safe. We will see you in the New Year!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


So the past few days have been fun.  We hopped on a plane on Friday to Texas only to get into a car and drive to Kansas to visit some of Josh's family up there.  I had a blast!  I had never been to Kansas first of all, and it was so much fun to see the fam up there.  While there we did a historical tour of all the places Josh has lived.  We started in Olathe and went to three of the four Kansas houses.  That night we went out to eat with Denny, Diana, Doug, Chanda, Lyndsey, Terry, Kole, and of course the four of us.  The next day we went to downtown Kansas City and visited UMKC where Dave got his advanced degrees and then to the Plaza where we saw the cutest light display.  We also went to Union Station where we saw this huge train and Christmas display.  It was really something.  It was to Doug and Chanda's to stay the night after that.  We played cards until 2:00 am but we had a blast, so it was worth it.  On our way back we stopped in Wichita where Josh had the fondest memories.  So that was really fun.  We saw his school's, the tree he ran into impressing a girl, the fields he played soccer in, the zoo he never shuts up about, the house he made lots of memories (and trouble) in, talked to the current owner who was a little freaked by our spying, and the church he went to.  It was quite a trip.   The only down side was my nausea.  Apparently our little one doesn't like the car as much as daddy.  Oh, and we learned that grapes and anything grape flavored is a bad idea.  Ask the girl in Dick's who watched me cry as I wiped throw up off my shirt.  Yikes!  Anyway, we are back in Texas now, and are looking forward to seeing all the family here.  Happy New Year!    

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Here we go again...

And believe me we will never get bored of it. 

We went for another ultrasound today and Baby Thye is perfect! The little heart beat has sped up a little to around 176 beats per minute and the length measured at 36mm. I can feel it growing every time I feel a cramp on that side, which is really cool. What was most fun today though was we were able to see what actually resembles a baby, not a blob or tadpole.  If you look closely on the left hand side you can see the head (which is the biggest part of the baby right now). Then right below is the heart beat. You can see it flashing slightly. Then the best part, hands!! They are to the side of the heart beat. Before the camera was rolling Baby was shaking them uncontrollably, only as if to say, "Hi mommy and daddy."  Then as soon as we had our excitement, Baby settled down to be photographed and measured. Good little one. But daddy kept trying to get the hands waving, since that was hilarious and so cute. One thing you can't see on the video are eye sockets. Yep, this baby will have eyes! Hopefully big and blue with amazing lashes like daddy. At least that is what I am hoping for. Thank you for all your continued prayers and take a look at this amazing Christmas miracle.


Monday, December 22, 2008

Feeling good...

Josh is home safe. I am not throwing up.  My cats still love me.  And tomorrow I get to see our baby again.  So life is good.  Just thought I should let you know since last post was a little sad.  More to come tomorrow...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I miss my hubby!

So Josh left on Tuesday for the Midwest Music Conference in Chicago. I think I have cried myself to sleep every night since he left (but I am pretty sure it is the hormones and I am not that big of a baby.) Anyway, I do miss him. He flew out on Tuesday. You know. The day the whole country was under storms and Chicago runways were covered in ice. Yeah that was good for me to know sitting at home worried to death! Everything changes when you are expecting. I even drive differently, like totally grandma style. I think I even cower at people if they are driving 5 over the speed limit. I am scared of everything lately. So as I watch the news and see that Chicago is getting more and more snow everyday, the thought of my husband flying home just seems like a far off reality. I feel like he will never come home. And then I don't want him to come home because I don't want him dying in a flight. It is just so frustrating, and scary. But I am kind of getting used to living in fear. I am scared of everything now a days.

On another note, I have discovered a couple of other things (besides being a complete fraidy-cat) I am not loving about pregnancyville:
- Fruit roll ups and mac and cheese combo (but I thought they sounded good...)
- Plugged up nose, runny nose, nose issues period! (this doesn't help the tummy either)
- And constipation (seriously if anyone has suggestions I am open, YIKES!)

Things I loved about pregnancy:
- Wearing big clothes
- Feeling my baby grow, daily (I never thought I would love cramps so much!)
- Having my cats lay on my stomach every time I am sitting (they know...)
- Thinking of baby names, texting them back and forth with my hubby (he has had some weird ones though)
- Reading everything I can find (maybe that is why I am scared though. I think I might cut back)

Anyway, I am off to bed. Pray for me tomorrow as Friday night alone will feel very sad. And pray for Josh's safety home on Saturday. Thanks!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Baby Thye is eight weeks old.

Hi everyone. I read my email today just to be reminded that my baby is still growing, and aging. At eight weeks my baby has little eye lids, feet, brain cells and is crossing its hands over its little beating heart. I can't wait to see Baby next Tuesday. Keep us in your prayers!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Yay for hands and feet!!

I just read in my little book (actually I have six of them now. Is that too many?) that my baby has hands and feet. It still has a little tail (which I am sure daddy wants to turn into a little you know what) but hands and feet are a good start to looking like a little person. I can't wait until my next ultrasound. At this rate I will go poor just trying to look at my precious miracle. But who cares, right? Hands and feet. Love it!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's Christmas Time at the Thye House

Thanks to my amazing husband, it is finally Christmas around here! I was very sick after Thanksgiving, which is usually our day to put up the tree, the lights, and all the accessories. But it just didn't happen for me. Without Josh's help I am not sure it ever would have happened. I even told him I didn't want to put anything up since then we have to take it all down. Both tasks that were feeling way too overwhelming for me. But he did it anyway. And I am very glad he did. I fall asleep to the tree lights every night. Calming... He is very proud that he did most of it himself, so I had to share. Good job babe!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Baby Heart Beat- try not to be amazed by this!

Okay.  So thanks to my amazing (and I am going to add "adoring" since he is so cute trying to remember that is what he is) husband, I was able to get this on the blog. He gave me the genius idea of emailing the video to myself, similar to texting someone. Why didn't I think of that? I am going to blame it on mommy brain. Anyway, here is the cute little heart beat.  Amazing that something so small is so alive, inside of me.  God is good!


Baby Thye is seven weeks old!

Josh finally got to hear the heart beat today! It was super cool and he was so excited to record it on our phones, so we can have it with us always. Every time I hear the little beep, beep, beep, I just want to hug my tummy (which is growing as we speak). Here are some pictures from the ultra sound. I tried to circle the baby in yellow and the yolk sack (which is nourishing the baby until the placenta forms) in pink. I put that picture first, then the one with out all the markings. So hopefully people can see it this time. I actually think the six week pictures are easier to read, but hopefully by our December 23rd ultrasound the baby will look like a baby and pictures will go uphill from there. I will try and upload the video from my phone, as soon as I learn how to do that...

As you an see on the bottom of the pictures, the baby has grown and the heart rate is slowing down. If you ask my friend Kim she would say it is because I am having a a boy. The Chinese birth calendar tends to agree with her, but we will see. What ever it is, it is 12.11 mm (last week it was 3.7 mm) and the heart rate is 144.5 beats per minute (compared to 156). Happy and healthy is all we are going for!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How many babies???

ONE! I am thanking my lucky stars at this point. I knew God wouldn't give me anything I couldn't handle. So when the thought of twins was starting to get entirely too overwhelming, I was very happy to hear there was only one baby in my tummy. I am already scared to death that I am going to mess this one up. Good thing I have practice time before I get another. Yikes...

Anyway, here are some of the pictures I got from the ultrasound. But I have to admit, the best part was hearing the heartbeat. It made it feel real. Like I wasn't just reading about something in a book. Seeing it on a stick. Hearing it from the doctor. It was really inside me. Growing. Living. Making mommy sick as a dog! You know, good things. I have another ultrasound Monday. I just can't wait. Wow, nine months feels like forever at this point. It is like when you were a little kid who had bought Christmas presents for everyone in the school store, but you just had to give it to them early because you couldn't wait to see their face. Yeah, patience does not run through my veins. That's for sure. All I want to do is see my baby! But I guess this will do for now. And please do not be like my husband and laugh when you think you can't see anything. It is there. Adorable as can be. :o)

This is Baby Thye's first picture. Just a nice shot for mommy and daddy. You can see it on the right hand side (no wonder the cramps were awful on that side). The over sized tad pole looking thing. So far our baby has a big head, one big black eye hole, and small little bottom. Taking after Josh. No small butts in my family. But if you look closely it is smiling at us. Let's hope for daddy's dimples!

Here is the heart beat. You can see it at 156 beats per minute. Very strong heart beat. But since it is only six weeks old (seven weeks today) it was very faint and oh so cute. I couldn't stop crying.

And here is the overall size. My baby books tell me that in the sixth week the baby should be between 2 and 4 mm. Our baby is at 3.76mm. It says average on the picture, but I am pretty sure Josh and I have huge potential of having giant children. Being the smallest ones in each of our families, the thought is not just an exaggeration. But we will see. In time...

So, if you didn't catch on. I had to do my ultrasound early. It was scheduled for today, but I had to go in on Monday due to excessive bleeding over the weekend. I am fine. But when she did it I was six weeks, meaning the baby was 4 weeks old. Today I am seven and the baby is five weeks. Still my potential due date is calculated for July 27th, 2009. Regan is pulling for the 17th, her birthday. Either way, I will humongous during the hottest months in AZ. Yay for me! But honestly, after seeing the baby on screen, I just can't wait to hold it in my arms.

Some more goodies!

Well this carrying a little life just gets better and better, in some ways.  Although I have discovered that throwing up in the kitchen sink is much easier than the toilet (for a number of reasons), I have also discovered that other people are as excited about our baby as we are.  Yesterday I got the cutest little booties from one of my favorite families, the Fosters.  Former DV family, and current Imoni Events family, they are just so dang sweet.  While in Texas over Thanksgiving, since they are the biggest Texas fans I know, they visited the fan shop and just couldn't resist.  I have to admit, I don't mind.   This will be a great way to impress the Texas Thyes when we show off the little one(s) eventually.  Thanks ladies!  I love them. :o)